Friday, September 4, 2009

Miss Cougar USA Crowned

miss cougar usa Miss Cougar USA CrownedCougar lovers rejoice! The National Single Cougars Convention was held in Palo Alto, California last month.

The big gala began with cocktails and appetizers, served by Trader Vic’s, as well as presentations from various booth sponsors.

Francesca Gentille, an author, and Tahil Gesyuk, her love interest who is 14 years younger, addressed a room of almost 60 “cougars”. The topic? Relationships with younger men, of course.

After the presentation, the Cougar Ball took place with more than 100 “cubs” (younger men) who were there to mingle with the singles.

The highlight of the night was the crowning of the very first Miss Cougar USA. That prestigious honor went to Gloria Navarro of Redwood Shores. Next year, we might have to check this one out first-hand. :-)

Race Across the Sky

Leadville Trail 100 – Race Across the Sky
Last weekend, I lined up at the start line of the Leadville 100, the highest altitude and biggest endurance mountain bike race there is. Over 1500 people, including Lance Armstrong, lined up for the event in the frigid, wee hours of the morning at 10,200 ft. I traveled to the race with Mike Sinyard from Specialized, Blair Clark from Smith Optics and a few other friends from Idaho. We were all Leadville virgins, so I relied heavily on course information from other athletes and the race website. I knew the course was primarily fire roads, so I chose to ride my brand new Specialized S-works 29er hard tail for this event. It was a bit of a whirlwind getting the bike and myself sorted to race so soon after coming home from 24 hour World Championships, but I did not want to pass up the opportunity to compete in the Leadville 100. It’s a legendary event, but I did have some major trepidation about how I would perform at such high altitude so soon after a grueling 24-hour solo effort. It normally takes me at least four weeks to feel right again after a 24, and I was sitting right on three weeks for the Leadville start. I spent the 3 weeks in between Worlds and Leadville riding the fine line between recovering, healing my body and trying to milk the season’s peak to last a bit longer than originally planned.
My coach Matthew was once again able to pull a rabbit out of a hat and keep the elusive peak going for an extra few weeks. It’s intoxicating to peak for an event and feel as if the race is almost easy. However, the weeks, months, years leading up to that peak are nothing but suffering, hard work and insecurity about your fitness. After events like Leadville 100 and 24 Hour Worlds where it all comes together on the right day, it’s impossible not to be seduced by that feeling and want it over and over again at every single race. However, fitness peaks cannot last the whole season and what goes up must come down so that it can go back up again. It’s a frustrating process, but oh so sweet when it comes together.

Leadville was one such occasion where everything fell into place beautifully. I was not sure of my participation until just five days before the race. At that point, I scrambled to get hotel, flight and logistics sorted. I also had to get my new Specialized 29er race ready. I’ve packed my gear enough times before and I got myself to the very early morning start on Saturday. The town of Leadville sits at 10,200 ft and the weather Friday and Saturday was cold and dismal.

I was flattered to be invited to line up on the front line with all of the big name athletes and past winners of the race. I had not seen a start list for the women’s field, so I was unaware of whom I was racing against. The shotgun start was fairly civilized with a neutral roll out for a few miles until we hit the dirt road and started climbing. I felt the mass of 1500 people behind me and just concentrated on staying near the front pack and staying upright. There are five major climbs on this course and the total ascent is about 13,000 feet over the course of 103 miles. I looked at some past women’s times and used that as a gauge for myself. With the help of another athlete, I put together a race profile with time estimates, distances of climbs and elevations. I taped this mini course map to my top tube and relied on it heavily during the race to keep track of how I was doing.

I led the women’s race from the start. I was not getting time splits, so I was unaware of what sort of gap I might have established. I assumed that someone was probably right on my tail and kept the pressure on the whole race. I imagined that every guy in front of me was a woman and tried to keep catching people. The crowds were insane and they cheered wildly when they saw I was the first female. The first ½ of the race was bitter cold, freezing rain and even sleet. I was barely able to shift or hold the handlebars and had to stop to put on shell gloves. Thankfully I was prepared with a thin jacket, arm warmers, shell gloves and a Buff for my head. I didn’t put the extra clothing on, but was somewhat comforted to have it with me. Instead, I just kept riding harder and pushing the pedals in an attempt to stay warm.
Columbine Mine at 12,500 feet is the 50-mile turnaround and the high point of the race. There is a 3000 foot, 7 mile climb to get up there. The course is an out and back format, so as I was climbing up, I got to see Lance Armstrong, Dave Wiens and the rest of the top men come flying downhill. As I reached the turnaround, the cold rain turned to stinging sleet. Descending Columbine was my one and only chance to see how close the next female was. I looked at my Suunto watch at the top of the climb and tried to look for women in the crowds going uphill. It was a tricky descent with loose rocks, rain ruts and 1500 people all coming up the same way, so looking at the other riders was difficult. I was freezing and focused on going fast downhill, but not crashing. I got a quick glimpse of Amanda Riley Carey who was in 2nd place. At that point, she was probably 15 minutes behind me, but I still had 50 miles to go and plenty more opportunity for flat tires or other problems. I made it down Columbine safely and that meant a big road flat, windy road section and two more monster climbs left in the race.

I was feeling decent, but the cold was making my legs cramp. I took some Endurolytes and tried to make an effort to finish my water. My motivation was elevated every time I went through an aid station by the thousands of people cheering and ringing cowbells. This was by far the biggest turnout I’ve ever seen for a mountain bike race and I felt like I was in the Tour de France as I rode through lines of people crowding the course. I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face as they were all cheering.

The hardest climb of the course is the Powerline climb at mile 80. I had to walk the steepest portions of it, but was still keeping up with the guys around me. A little group of about four of us had formed and we were silently riding together with only the sound of our heavy breathing and a few words of encouragement between us. Misery loves company, so it was nice to have a little support out there on the hard parts of the course.

After the last big climb, I was smelling the barn and the numbers on my odometer were very near triple digits, so I shifted into the biggest gear I could push and left my little group of guys as I motored toward the finish. The last few miles ticked by very slowly, and the course is actually 103 miles!

The final road stretch into Leadville was a welcomed site. I had ridden this short stretch on Friday and visualized myself finishing the race. You can see the finish for about a ½ mile and it’s the sweetest site with the finish banner, the only stoplight in Leadville and so many people lining the streets. I got one little scare as I crested the very last hill and saw someone in front of me with curly blonde hair and a pink jersey. From the back and in my oxygen-deprived state I was not sure if it was a male or female rider. As I was rolling toward the finish I nervously asked one of the bystanders if the person in front of me was a guy. Thankfully, he was and I could roll into the finish line with my arms up and a huge sense of accomplishment in my heart.

It was one of the most exciting race finishes I have ever experienced. I finished in a time of 8:14 and was 30th place overall. The next female rider was 25 minutes behind me. At the finish, the sound of the crowd was deafening and exhilarating. I was immediately given flowers, a medal, hugs, and whisked off to the media room for an interview. In the interview, I was in a bit of shock to quickly try to re-live the moments of the race.
After a quick shower, I went back out onto 6th street to watch my friends finish and be part of the whole crazy scene. At this point the sun had finally come out and the freezing rain from Columbine was a distant memory. I couldn’t help but cheer for other finishers and smile as their families and friends hugged them.

Sunday morning awards were chaotic and extremely entertaining. All 953 official finishers received a sweatshirt with their name and finishing time printed on the sleeve. It was finally warm and sunny and so many people were milling around sharing race stories. I saw a lot of old friends and had multiple strangers come up and congratulate me. Obviously, the highlight was the awards ceremony where I got to share the podium with Lance Armstrong and Dave Wiens.

They both had the same sentiment about the race that I did. The sheer number people who came out to race and to cheer provided an intoxicating vibe that just made you happy to be riding your bike. The Leadville 100 was definitely one of the most organized races I’ve done and one of the most spirited. It’s a unique combination of a huge race with a hometown feel. It was honor to be among such strong athletes and to stand at the top of the podium with a legend. It is a day that I will not soon forget and a wonderful cap to an already incredible race season!

Thanks to everyone who gave me advice on the course, cheered for me, sent me photos and gave me motivation along the way. Thanks to Red Bull and Specialized for getting me to the start line!

Levi Johnston Vanity Fair Photos

Levi Johnston In Vanity Fair For October 2009

The father of Sarah Palin’s grandson and her daughter’s former fiancé Levi Johnston will graces on the cover of Vanity Fair magazine for October 2009 issue. He told about former Alaska Gov. in the interview with Vanity Fair magazine. This magazine news stands on month of October with teasing headline “Me and Mrs. Sarah Palin by Levi Johnston”

Levi Johnston Vanity Fair Photos

He talks about his woman who almost become his mother-in-low is Alaska GOP vice president Sarah Palin. He said that, he lived for two months after over the course of his two-and-a-half-year relationship with Bristol Palin. Sarah Palin is a purportedly loving mother, prolific hunter and devoted wife.

Levi Johnston Vanity Fair Photos

Sarah Palin’s 17 year old unwed daughter Bristol Palin was pregnant. Levi Johnston is her baby’s father. They have been dating for a year. Levi told about what happened behind the curtains of the movement and his life in the Palin’s house, The Palin house was much different from what many people expect of a normal family.

Levi Johnston also said about palin, Palin wanted to keep Bristol pregnancy a secret and adopt the baby, she told to Levi she had a great idea and says, “We would keep it a secret, nobody would know that Bristol was pregnant.

Palin told that she and Todd (Her husband) was adopted Brishtol’s baby.

Ashley Dupre Prostitutes Herself for Music Career Publicity

The New York Post's plan to resurrect the Eliot Spitzer hooker scandal story is turning out fabulously. Day one was the "Spitzer comeback?" rumor. Day two was the Shocked Response. Now, day three: Ashley Dupre makes her return. Musically, too!

What did we tell you about this, Ashley? If you had followed our advice you would have already built your trashy faux-media empire and stacked enough cash to drop out of the public eye forever by now, via porn. We told you specifically to give up the music. Your music sucks. But what do we see, today? You, writing on a blog, for free, playing right into the hands of the bloodsucking tabloids, and plugging another god damn song!

People think I made money off music that was exploited when the scandal first broke, that I am doing reality television, and that I made millions posing nude for magazines... I never sold any photos of myself - but people who I trusted did. And the "millions" for the nude pics? I was offered that, repeatedly – and turned them down because I didn't want to perpetuate the problem or feed into the stereotype.

We know, that's the problem! You could be rich by now! Look, Ashley, the fact is that you are right, morally. You are doing the right thing to retain your humanity. But then you let the devil, in the form of the New York Post, sneak in through the back door because you think it will help your music career, of all things. Not only did you start "speaking out" right on schedule for the tabloid, but they also ran your entire Global Grind blog post in the paper, and did a review of your new song. We're not saying you struck some sort of deal with them, but if you did, you got conned. The tabloids will cover whatever you do no matter what. Your reputation is not going to change substantially. And you will never get rich off music—because, as we mentioned, your music sucks (but not in a lucrative way).

So sell out like the evil world wants you to, or just fade into obscurity. One's good for your soul. The other's good for your wallet. Playing footsie with the Post will only lead you off the cliff. Trust us here. We are your friend.

OU's Gresham has cartilage damage, won't play against BYU

Oklahoma All-America tight end Jermaine Gresham has cartilage damage to his right knee and will not play Saturday against BYU, but the extent and treatment of the injury are currently uncertain.

According to a press release today from the university, the "evaluation process is continuing" regarding Gresham's playing status this season.

Rumors began swirling Wednesday night, and Internet message boards became clogged with thousands of posts into the early morning hours.

It's not known when or how the injury occurred. Gresham was seen by reporters on Tuesday night after practice, still in full pads, looking at pictures of former teammates hanging in a hallway of the team's renovated Switzer Center.

OU offensive Kevin Wilson will have Trent Ratterree and James Hanna listed on the depth chart at tight end, according to the press release from OU.

Gresham is a senior from Ardmore who returned for his final season at OU instead of testing the NFL waters, where many analysts think he would have been a first-round draft pick last April.

Gresham is the Sooners' leading receiver from 2008's record-setting offense. He caught 66 passes for 950 yards and 14 touchdowns last season.

This story will be updated as more information becomes available.

2009 Deutsche Bank Championship Picks

Round two of the FedEx Cup Playoffs is next, with the Deutsche Bank Championship. It’s an odd Friday to Monday event, which came at a great time for me since I’ve been traveling and needed the extra day to get this masterpiece together.

The Deutsche Bank has been played since 2003, at the TPC Boston in Norton, MA. For past results, and a bit of data crunching to find best performers, please see my research page.

Before I give my picks, let me just say, please don’t yell at me for the big names on the list. It’s the Playoffs, and the fields are getting small, and sometimes it’s just not plausible to have a whole slew of darkhorses. Still, I’ve included a few names with longer odds, and as usual I’m not including Tiger because that would be too easy. So here you go, my list of 10 players to watch at this week’s Deutsche Bank Championship:

Robert Allenby: A great record at this event: 8th ’07, T4 ’06, T15 ’05, T19 ’03. And he’s playing well right now, with T2, T24, T15 in his last three events.

Jonathan Byrd: Byrd has some success at this course, with T23 ’07 and T13 ’03. He’s playing solid, reliable golf—in his last 14 starts, he has eight top-25s and only one missed cut.

Ernie Els: Els has a T3 here in ’08, but more importantly he’s playing great golf right now: four top-10s in his last six events, which includes a T6 and T2 in his last two.

Padraig Harrington: Harrington is too hot right now to ignore: T2, T10, T2 in his last three events.

Fredrik Jacobson: A T9 here in ’08 shows he can score on this course. He’s a inconsistent, streaky golfer, currently in the middle of a good streak: T17, T6 in his last two events.

Ian Poulter: Poulter seems just about back into top form, with T15, T19, T9 in his last three starts.

Justin Rose: Rose has success here at the Deutsche Bank, with T4 ’06 and 3rd ’03. He has underperformed this year, but he’s coming off a T5 and T41 in his last two starts that shows promise.

Steve Stricker: One of the big names this week, of course. Stricker at this event has a T13 ’08, T9 ’07, and T7 ’06. And we all know about the year he’s having, with two wins, two 2nds, one 3rd, and coming off a T2 at last week’s Barclays.

Nick Watney: Watney had a fantastic start to the year but then cooled down—I’m hoping that last week’s T6 at the Barclays is a sign he’s ready to heat up again.

Y.E. Yang: Why not? Yang has three top-10s in his last five events, including of course the amazing takedown of Tiger at the PGA Championship. It impressed me that he followed up that career-changing victory with a solid T20 at the Barclays; I’m expecting another good week from Yang.

Lefty Watch: Five lefties in the field this week: Greg Chalmers, Phil Mickelson, Nick O’Hern, Bubba Watson, Mike Weir. Go lefties.

Rihanna Italian Vogue photos and video

The Rihanna Italian Vogue photo shoot is taking the world by storm, but not only for the racy images, but for the meaning behind the photos. You can see photos from the quickly going viral ‘Rihanna Italian Vogue’ photo shoot in the video below. The photos show Rihanna in bondage and half clothed, but is this more than an Italian photographer’s depiction of art, or does it send a message regarding Rihanna’s recent assault from her ex-boyfriend, Chris Brown. The photos themselves are racy, but when you consider that they are from Italian Vogue, the shock lessens. Italian Vogue, as well as other European based fashion magazines often portray racy, semi-nude, and sexually suggestive images. Is there really anything ‘behind the scenes’ in these photos?

It’s also interesting to note that on Wednesday, September 2, 2009, Chris Brown spoke with Larry King about his recent assault and conviction on the Barbados beauty and singer. During that interview, Chris Brown alleged that he didn’t remember assaulting Rihanna, but he did admit to losing his temper in the heated moments while arguing. Chris Brown also stated that he pled guilty to felony assault. When asked if he still loved Rihanna he replied yes.

Many people are outraged that Chris Brown avoided jail time. He plead guilty on June 22, 2009, and the deal ensured that he would avoid jail. He was additionally sentenced to five years of probation and six months of community service. There is a protective order in place making certain that Chris Brown has no contact with Rihanna.

After the assault, Rihanna began sporting a new tattoo, causing more to speculate if the choice of a gun was meant to empower herself. Along with the Italian Vogue photos, the new haircut, and tattoos, we can be sure that the spotlight will continue to follow Chris Brown and Rihanna as they go their separate ways. As for the photos, well, they are the closest thing to Rihanna that Chris Brown is going to get for a long time.

Photo 1- AP Barbadian singer Rihanna poses for the photographers as she arrives for the British premiere of US director Quentin Tarantino's latest film 'Inglourious Basterds' at a central London cinema, Thursday July 23, 2009.

Photo 2- Barbadian singer Rihanna arrives at a cinema in London for the British premiere of Inglourious Basterds,

watch Elena Dementieva vs Melanie Oudin live online streaming

Elena Dementieva vs Melanie Oudin

Lisa Loeb Is Pregnant

Lisa Loeb and her husband Roey Hershkovitz are pregnant! The couple just announced they are expecting and are overjoyed about the upcoming addition.

"They're excited to welcome their first child this winter," says Loeb's manager Janet Billig Rich.


What's a Lisa Loeb post without the 'Stay' video? :) This song will never get old.

Obama speech to schools | Obama speech | Obama speech to kids | Obama speech to children | Obama education speech

Obama speaks to an audience.

President Barack Obama's plans for a televised back-to-school address to students next week are drawing fire from some conservatives, who say he's just trying to indoctrinate them to his political beliefs.

In the Sept. 8 speech, Obama will challenge students to work hard, set goals for their education and take responsibility for their learning, Education Secretary Arne Duncan said in a letter to principals.

The Education Department is encouraging teachers to create lesson plans around the speech, using materials provided on the department website that urge students to learn about Obama and other presidents.

"He will also call for a shared responsibility and commitment on the part of students, parents and educators to ensure that every child in every school receives the best education possible so they can compete in the global economy for good jobs and live rewarding and productive lives as American citizens," Duncan said in a press release.

But already, some conservatives are crying foul. The chairman of the Florida Republican Party is condemning Obama's speech as an attempt to "indoctrinate America's children to his socialist agenda."

"The idea that school children across our nation will be forced to watch the President justify his plans for government-run health care, banks, and automobile companies, increasing taxes on those who create jobs, and racking up more debt than any other President, is not only infuriating, but goes against beliefs of the majority of Americans, while bypassing American parents through an invasive abuse of power," Chairman Jim Greer said in a press release.

Added conservative talk show host Tammy Bruce, in a Twitter feed: "Make September 8 Parentally Approved Skip Day. You are your child's moral tutor, not that shady lawyer from Chicago." And conservative author Michelle Malkin said the lesson plans have a "heavy activist bent."

Texas school districts are discussing whether the president's speech will be shown — some districts are leaving it up to individual teachers with an opt out for parents who don't want their children to view the speech, according to the Houston Chronicle.

In his letter to principals, Duncan said viewing of the speech is encouraged, not mandatory. It's the first time a president has ever given a speech addressed directly to students.

Man Slaps Child in Walmart, Charged With Felony Cruelty

Man slaps child

A Walmart shopper allegedly slapped a 2-year-old girl several times because she wouldn't stop crying.

The incident happened Monday at the Walmart store near Atlanta, Georgia. A little girl and her mother were shopping when she began crying.

Roger Stephens, 61, walked up to the mother and allegedly said, "If you don't shut the baby up, I will shut her up for you."

A few moments later, Stephens allegedly grabbed the girl and slapped her four times, then told the mother, "See, I told you I would shut her up."

Stephens was stopped by another shopper and security was called. He was arrested and charged with cruelty with children in the first degree, which is a felony. He is being held without bond.

Obama ‘Pledge’ Video Upsets Parents

Parents upset over ‘leftist propaganda’ video

Education » Principal apologizes for showing ‘I Pledge’ to students.

A school principal has apologized for showing a video at an assembly that a politically conservative group leader is calling "radical, leftist propaganda."

Children at Eagle Bay Elementary School in Farmington were shown a short video called "I pledge" on Aug. 28. The video opens with an image of President Barack Obama and part of a speech in which he says, "Let us summon a new spirit of patriotism, of responsibility where each of us resolves to pitch in and work harder and look after not only ourselves but each other." The video then features celebrities making pledges about how they will help the president and the world — and that’s where some say the problem lies…

"Showing the video in a public school is completely inappropriate," said Jennifer Cieslewicz, whose daughter is a first-grader at the school. "I don’t believe a video such as this that promotes certain values should be shown to elementary students, especially without parents being aware. "

Chris Williams, Davis School District spokesman, said school principal Ofelia Wade and school PTA leaders decided to show the video as part of an assembly about the school’s theme for the year, service. He said the PTA board chose the video and Wade did not see it before it was shown in the assembly.

"It got to a point where she turned to her assistant and said, ‘Oops, I wish I would have seen this before. I don’t think I would have shown it,’ " Williams said. He said Wade could see how some adults might find the video political.

"She acknowledges she was wrong and apologizes for it and says she’s sorry," Williams said. Attempts to reach school PTA leaders Tuesday evening were unsuccessful.

Williams said Wade plans to send a letter home to parents Wednesday about the issue.

Gayle Ruzicka, president of conservative Utah Eagle Forum, said the video was blatantly political. She said other offensive pledges included, "I pledge to be of service to Barack Obama," "I pledge allegiance to the funk, to the united funk of funkadelica," and pledges to not use plastic grocery bags and not flush the toilet after urinating.

"It’s very inappropriate to show a radical, leftist propaganda piece that political to children," Ruzicka said. "If parents want their children to learn about those things and do them in the home, wonderful, fine, but it’s not the place of the school to show a one-sided propaganda piece to children without parents knowing about it."

Cieslewicz said such values should be decided in the home, not at school.

"They shouldn’t be troubling our youth with the woes of the world and making them feel like we’re in slavery or they have to worry about how many times they flush the toilet or if they have a plastic water bottle," Cieslewicz said, referring to pledges in the video to "end slavery."

Ruzicka said she contacted local media about the video after receiving complaints from several parents. Ruzicka said she worried the video’s messages would confuse children whose parents might choose to use plastic bags when shopping or who want their children to flush the toilet after every use. Also she said she didn’t like a pledge "to be of service to Barack Obama" as he is here to serve Americans, not the other way around

This was the PTA’s idea. And in Salt Lake City!

And few would be the wiser if it were not for a local “a politically conservative group leader.”

Mind you, this same video is probably being shown all over the fruited plain without demure.

Joanna Garcia - Nick Swisher Girlfriend (Photos)

danielle gamba nick swisher wife nick swisher nick swisher s wife catherine panagiotopoulos

danielle gamba,  nick swisher wife,  nick swisher,  nick swisher s wife,  catherine panagiotopoulos     ,

Danielle Gamba Gets Her Tits All Wet. Swichers hot wife photo shoot Danielle Gamba Video MLB Videos submitted and voted by Blitzcorners fans Blitzcorner.

It goes from bad to worse. tied for the 3rd worse record in baseball. Chris Ray just served up the Yankees fourth homer of the night a tworun shot by NicK Swisher in the seventh inning that broke a 66 tie. Tedy and his wife Heidi join Dale and Michael at Gillette Stadium just moments after he announced his retirement from the NFL. They all look back at Tedys career if he has any regrets and what plans he has for the future. September 1 2009 949 PM. We try not to talk about 1979 though. My wife is a Pirates fan so her teams misery is still worse than mine. she says that I try not to talk about it. What comes after worse Eric Hinske followed with the clubs fifth homer.

Nick Swishers value how does he compare to Bobby AbreuFrom the release on his website New Yankees star Nick Swisher has joined Lee National Denim Day one of the countrys largest breast cancer fundraiser to help raise money for groundbreaking cancer research. As a coambassador to the.

Tedy and his wife Heidi join Dale and Michael at Gillette Stadium just moments after he announced his retirement from the NFL. It was ladies night Sunday for Hudson who dropped by NYY Steak at the stadium after the game for drinks with some of the wives Michelle Damon Johnny Damons wife Joanna Garcia Nick Swishers girlfriend and Erin Robertson David. Bill Belichick Patriots Head Coach. They all look back at Tedys career if he has any regrets and what plans he has for the future. Watch Nick Swisher Red Sox Pregame video in the WEEI Video Archive. Bill Belichick Patriots. Nick Swisher Red Sox Pregame. The coach joins Glenn Steve and Fred to talk about.

He also frees his mind from mental lockdowns that are never foreign through the grueling labor of a 162game. And after breaking up with Gamba a former Playmate Swisher moved on to former model turned head of a modeling agency Catherine Panagiotopoulos. Picture to the left now is it me or does she look like Juliet from Lost. The dude seems to win over scintillating women see regular smokeshow Catherine Panagiotopoulos for more on that one as well.

results 1 1 of about 1 for maia campbell people of wal mart nick swisher girlfriend. AJ for blowing the lead a few times. And our good ole buddy Nick Swisher for his shirtless interview. Id like to see Nick get a few more fines for that one. Jorge for forgetting how many strikes he had. maia campbell people of wal mart nick swisher girlfriend maia campbell people of wal mart.

Maia Campbell Internet Video Shows a Sad Display of a World Gone Wrong

Maia Campbell Internet Video Shows a Sad Display of a World Gone Paula Neal Mooney

Sad. Sad. Sad. That's all I can say about the internet video of actress Maia Campbell that's circulating right now like so much filth. It’s odd that I was just wondering how Maia Campbell was coping with the recent death of her mother, writer Bebe Moore Campbell.

Maia Campbell may look familiar to folks who used to watch her play Tiffany Warren on LL Cool J’s sitcom In the House. I always thought Maia Campbell was so gorgeous, and having a mother like Bebe Moore Campbell to boot!

A New York Times bestselling author of books like Brothers and Sisters, Singing in the Comeback Choir, and Your Blues Ain't Like Mine, Bebe Moore Campbell died of brain cancer on November 27, 2006, at the age of 56.

But I didn’t realize until today when researching why the Maia Campbell internet video was such a big deal just how badly Maia’s been doing lately. Allegedly given drugs in exchange for taping the video, Maia Campbell begins by singing then disrobes in a vile display of sadness. I didn't know it was Maia Campbell at first, but thought her face looked familiar. After I realized what was happening, I had to turn the video off. So I didn’t see it all, but it’s very sad. I hope to God Bebe is in a better place. Imagine the feeling of watching your daughter do something like that...

The rumor mill abounds with reasons why Maia Campbell shot the video. There are reports of long-term drug abuse, and more astute writers and readers point out the fact that Bebe Moore Campbell’s common theme throughout many of her writings surrounded mental health.

Bebe Moore Campbell’s 72 Hour Hold is the story of a mother trying to cope with her daughter's descent into mental illness. Though 72 Hour Hold is a novel, Bebe reportedly said it was based on real-life events that engulfed her own family.

So Bebe might have been referencing her own daughter, Maia Chinassa Campbell, who may in fact be bipolar. My heart sinks deep in my chest for Maia, whom I always remember in a cute scene from In The House where Debbie Allen took a maternal peek at the burgeoning Maia Campbell and asked, “Where’d you get that body?”

It was cute back then. A young girl blossoming into a woman and coming into her own. Seeing the sordid shape Maia Campbell is in now, I’m truly praying that she can be delivered from the demons surrounding her and inside of her, and pray that the people who possibly drugged and exposed Maia and uploaded it on the internet are prosecuted. Pray with me please...

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Mid Game: David Wright's Helmet

I’m all for David Wright doing whatever is necessary to protect his noggin, but, dude, I’m sorry, Jeff Francoeur was right, that helmet is the silliest looking thing I have ever seen. Tonight on Twitter, so far, he has been described most often as looking like the Great Gazoo from the Flinstones and Dark Helmet from Spaceballs.

Mike Meech of the Phillies blog, The Fightins, writes to Twitter, “I can’t wait to see it from Google Earth.”

Obama school speech controversy

Homeschool parents may not always be aware of what is happening in public schools, but what happens in public schools often affects those who home educate.

Next week, on Tuesday, Sept. 8, President Obama will be broadcasting an address directly to students in the nation’s public schools. The text of Obama’s school speech has not been made available to parents at this point, although lists of classroom activities for elementary school students and older students are available at the Department of Education website.

President Obama does not plan to broadcast on major network channels so homeschoolers can view his message, but the speech can be viewed live online at the Whitehouse website. Broadcast begins at 12:00 noon Eastern time.

The President’s plan has created a firestorm of controversy, as our country is deeply divided politically. Many parents see this as an unconscionable intrusion of politics into education. There is even a movement afoot to boycott the schools on that day.

A renewed interest in homeschooling may come from this, so be prepared to answer questions and don’t be surprised if you see other kids out playing in the neighborhood next Tuesday. Texas laws on homeschooling are easy to comply with, and many parents choose homeschooling in order to monitor the religious and political influences their children are exposed to.

UPDATE: See what other homeschoolers have to say about this! Have you read a great blog post by a homeschooler about Obama's speech? Leave a link in the comments!

Diane Sawyer Drunk Video news anchor acting unprofessional on the air

Was news anchor Diane Sawyer drunk on the air after spending all night at the inauguration parties?

Diane Sawyer is set to replace Charles Gibson as anchor of the ABC Evening News in January.

Good Morning America representative says she was just fatigued.

Are you buying that?

We are not so sure. It seems like if she was not drunk she was surely inebriated in some other fashion perhaps pills. You can clearly see from the video below that Diane was slurring her words and just all around not acting very professional.

What's your take on the subject? Please comment below.

"Drunk" Video of Diane Sawyer

Tony Romo dating Chace Crawford's young sister, Candice Crawford

Tony Romo and Candice Crawford presumably met by mixing business with pleasure.

There's no denying that Tony Romo has a type.

The Dallas Cowboys quarterback has moved on from ex Jessica Simpson and is reportedly dating a blond look-alike.

But the new woman in question isn't just any blond – Romo is said to be dating "Gossip Girl" star Chace Crawford's younger sister, Candice.

Sources tell that Romo, 29, has been "getting very cozy" with the 22-year-old former Miss Missouri.

The hot new couple presumably met by mixing business with pleasure.

Candice covers high school sports for local Dallas TV station The 33-TV and also hosts the Dallas Cowboys weekend sports show, "Special Edition."

Coincidentally, Candice bares a striking resemblance to Romo's other ex, Carrie Underwood, who actually dated older bro Chace before he ended the relationship via text message in 2008.

It's nice to see Hollywood still recycles!
Crawford won the title of Miss Missouri in 2008.

Whitney Houston Sings on “Good Morning America”: “I Never Left”

Whitney Houston has “140 million albums sold, more awards than any other female performer in history,” boasted Good Morning America today, touting her “first television performance in seven years” (watch it on their Website). The singer bounded out with a lot of energy and yelled “love you!” during first line of “Million Dollar Bill,” but she danced rather than sang the first chorus, confirming yesterday’s reports that her first major television appearance promoting her new I Look to You left the diva breathless. Houston filmed the short set in New York’s Central Park yesterday afternoon.

Read Rolling Stone’s review of I Look to You.

“I love you New York,” she announced at end of the song. “I love you Good Morning America. God bless you all. Thank you for coming, you’re making me feel so good.” She then ran upstage to hug host Diane Sawyer, who Houston called “one of my dearest friends.” Sawyer is the journalist who conducted the infamous “crack is wack” interview in 2002 during which Houston disclosed she had struggled with drug problems. “I’m overwhelmed with love and support, your prayers mean so much to me and I love you all for coming,” Houston told the crowd, adding defiantly, “I never left!”

“Seven years ago, looking in each others’ eyes, it was a very different world then. I was worried for you,” Sawyer told her. “Don’t be worried anymore. If you know God, then don’t be worried,” Houston replied, saying it was “my faith” that brought her here now. “The love and support of my family, which I do have. People who care about you in the good and bad times.” In 2002, Houston told Sawyer, “I partied a lot. Trust me: I partied my tail off. You get to a point where you know the party’s over.”

“I Look to You is about them, all of you all, and that one up there,” she said in Central Park, pointing skyward.

After a commercial break, Houston told the crowd of die-hard fans, “I’m going to do something extra for you, from me to you, this isn’t planned, it’s impromptu,” before starting “My Love Is Your Love.” Singing “See, I got my baby, can you give me a mic, y’all” she welcomed daughter Bobbi Kristina to the stage to sing just a few lines.

“I owe this to my mother. This is the title track to my album, y’all,” Houston said next, before turning to face her mother, Cissy, for the ballad “I Look to You.” “You never left, you stayed, I love you,” she said, looking up with her arms stretched to her sides. After another commercial break she returned bouncing up and down and kicked off “I’m Every Woman,” asking hosts Sawyer and Robin Roberts to join her.

As Rolling Stone reported yesterday, Houston attributed her exhaustion and lack of high notes to having taped her Oprah Winfrey appearance on Monday. Her rep told TMZ Houston had only committed to sing two songs on GMA.

Diane Sawyer to replace Charles Gibson at ABC

In a major and uxexpected move, ABC News anchor Charles Gibson announced that he will retire at the end of the year, and Diane Sawyer will become the anchor of ABC's "World News.

The 66-year-old Gibson said in an email to ABC News staffers that he had planned to retire as early as 2007, but that unexpected events in the news division resulted in him staying on. Longtime anchor Peter Jennings died in 2005, and then his replacement, Bob Woodruff, was seriously injured in Iraq in 2006.

Gibson, a former Congressional correspondent who has been with the network for 34 years, has been a steadying influence on the flagship broadcast for ABC News. He says he will continue as a contributor with ABC News after he steps down from the anchor desk and full time status. But the details of that contributing arrangement have yet to be determined.

When Sawyer, longtime co-anchor of "Good Morning America," takes over in January, two of three networks will be anchored by women. sawyer ahs certainly earned the honor of anchoring news in a long career at CBS News on "60 Minutes" and at ABC News with various newsmagazines before Good Morning America. The morning show is a solid second in the ratings to NBC's "Today" show.

"There is no one like Charlie Gibson and it is an enormous honor to be asked to join the terrific broadcast he and the great team of journalists have built at 'World News," Sawyer said Wednesday.

"Until then, I'll be getting up early and spending mornings, as always, counting myself so lucky to be with Robin, Chris and Sam and the incredibly smart, talented and dedicated team of 'Good Morning America.'"

"World News" has consistently finished a strong second in the ratings during Gibson's tenure. "CBS Evening News with Katie Couric" finishes a distant third.

"It has not been an easy decision to make" Gibson said in his email to colleagues. "This has been my professional home for almost 35 years. And I love this news department, and all who work in it, to the depths of my soul."

ABC News President David Westin said in a statement that he and Gibson have been talking about the decision for several weeks and that Gibson "has persuaded me that this is both what he wants and what is best for him."

"I respect his decision, just as I respect the enormous contribution he has made to ABC News through the years," Westin said.

"Diane Sawyer is the right person to succeed Charlie and build on what he has accomplished," ABC News Westin said in a statement.

"She has an outstanding and varied career in television journalism, beginning with her role as a State Department correspondent and continuing at 60 Minutes, Primetime Live, and most recently Good Morning America."

Here is the full text of Gibson's email to his colleagues at ABC News:

I have always been taught you should never bury the lead _ so I write to tell you that I have told David Westin I want to step down as anchor of World News, and retire from full time employment at ABC News.

It has not been an easy decision to make. This has been my professional home for almost 35 years. And I love this news department, and all who work in it, to the depths of my soul.

I have received much comment, and quite a few emails and letters referring to the signoff Eddie Pinder convinced me to use - wishing that everyone has had a good day. But the proudest part for me has been saying "...for all of us at ABC News...", since those words signify in my mind that I have been in a position to speak for an entire news department that I consider second to none.

It had been my intention to step down from my job at Good Morning America in 2007 but with Peter's illness, Bob's injuries, and Elizabeth's pregnancy, the job at World News came open in May of 2006, and David asked me to step in as anchor. It was an honor to do so. The program is now operating at a very accelerated, but steady, cruising speed, and I think it is an opportune time for a transition _ both for the broadcast and for me. Life is dynamic; it is not static.

I have told David I would like to continue in some capacity contributing occasionally to ABC News. He has been receptive to the idea - and we will be discussing what that role might be.

Here is David Westin's email to the ABC News staff announcing Sawyer's appointment as the new anchor of "World News."

Today, Charlie Gibson announced to his colleagues at World News that he has decided to step down as anchor effective at the end of this year. I attach below Charlie's full email.

I have asked Diane Sawyer to serve as the next anchor of World News, and she will assume that position in January.

Charlie and I have been talking about his decision for several weeks, and he has persuaded me that this is both what he wants and what is best for him. I respect his decision, just as I respect the enormous contribution he has made to ABC News through the years.

Most recently, he stepped in to lead World News after a difficult and turbulent time _ both for the broadcast and for ABC News over all. We suffered from the loss of Peter and then the severe injuries to Bob. Charlie came to the fore to keep us on the path of doing the first rate journalism that had distinguished World News for many years. We owe him much for the leadership he gave us when we needed it most.

Since then, Charlie has covered all the major events with the substance and grace that we all expect from him. Most importantly, he headed our coverage during a presidential election unlike any other. Now, having accomplished so much in so many different parts of ABC News, Charlie has decided it is time for him to step down. I have told him that he has an open door to continue to work with ABC News, but he's asked for a bit of time before he comes back to us.

Diane Sawyer is the right person to succeed Charlie and build on what he has accomplished. She has an outstanding and varied career in television journalism, beginning with her role as a State Department correspondent and continuing at 60 Minutes, Primetime Live, and Good Morning America.

She has interviewed every President since President George H. W. Bush up to and including President Obama. She has handled an array of breaking news special events, including on 9/11 and, most recently, the presidential election. She has done distinguished documentaries on topics as varied as North Korea, the plight of women in Afghanistan and in prisons here at home, and poverty in Camden, New Jersey, and in Appalachia.

We are fortunate to have a journalist of Diane's proven ability and passion to step into the important position of anchor for World News. She will continue with her documentaries in her new role.

Diane's presence will certainly be missed on Good Morning America. But we are fortunate that both Charlie and Diane will remain with their current broadcasts for the next four months; we will be making further announcements well before any changes are made.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Tiffany Shepherd Video | Tiffany Shepherd Playboy | Tiffany Shepherd Photos | Leah Lust | Tiffany Shepherd Leah Lust

Tiffany Shepherd Video | Tiffany Shepherd Playboy | Tiffany Shepherd Photos | Leah Lust | Tiffany Shepherd Leah Lust

Tiffany Shepherd

Tiffany Shepherd:Former high school biology teacher Tiffany Shepherd, who was fired from Port St. Lucie High School last year after posing for racy pictures, now has a new career as a porn star named Leah Lust.

Shepherd has filmed five X-rated feature films including a one titled ‘My first sex teacher’, in which she ironically plays the role of the teacher.

Shepherd, who has lost custody of two of her three children, said

Big Brother 11 Episode 24

After winning HOH, Kevin unsurprisingly went back on his word in Big Brother 11 Episode 23 and nominated Jeff alongside Michele.

Jeff has decided that Kevin’s a worthless snake.

Not content with the one lie, Kevin and Natalie tell Jeff he’s safe this week. What do they hope to gain by keeping this charade going?

When Kevin walks into his HOH room, he sees a big gold question mark on a door. Yeah, it’s time for a twist. Two things that don’t go well together: Big Brother and twists. It’s always thoroughly lame. He is warned that it could result in something good or something bad for himself or for the rest of the house. He’s afraid. He should be afraid. Very afraid. With the thought that there may be $10,000, he opens Pandora’s Box. Then he sticks his hand inside the box. It’s entirely possible he could be stuck in that very spot for the next few weeks.

Any way you slice it, this is a bad move. If you win the money, the house will hate you for it. If you punish the house, they will hate you for it. They will remember this hatred in the weeks to come. Oh, and by the way, his hand’s stuck inside the box. The other houseguests are pleased. Money starts raining from the sky. They just start grabbing. So, like, where’s Kevin anyway? They forget about him as they grab the money. He starts yelling, and Natalie finally hears him when they return inside to look for further instructions about whether this is free money. They’ll have to look for a hidden key. Maybe she’ll get to that once she’s done collecting money. Now Jeff goes upstairs to check things out himself. This time, Kevin has a better story. The only way he can keep the money is if he can find a key in the house. Well, that will work.

Jeff discovers the key on the couch. So where’s he going? Back outside to find more money. Anybody care that Kevin’s locked up? Apparently not. Jordan ends up with $1726, Natalie gets $1904, Michele gets $2563, and Jeff ends up on top at $3181.

When they’re done collecting their money, Natalie decides to go back upstairs. It takes some convincing to get her to go get the key. She’ll have to steal it from Jeff, but that plan doesn’t work. Then Jeff goes upstairs, and he finally gives the key to Kevin. Kevin manages to get to the bottom of the pile and collect $626. Apparently the whole point of this twist they played up as a big deal was to teach Kevin he can’t trust anybody. It worked.

For the veto competition, they get dressed up as astronauts. It’s an alien version of morphomatic. This is typically a competition that favors the women in the house, which does not bode well for Jeff.

Kevin - 3:05
Natalie - 2:55
Jordan - 5:09
Michele - 1:52
Jeff - 3:01

Michele wins the power of veto (along with a home entertainment system) by a good margin. She apologizes to Jeff because she pretty much just sealed his fate. He responds to get away from him.

Michele has decided to tell Jeff that she will fight to get Kevin to keep him. Really? Why would they keep Jeff over Jordan? The only logical point is how likeable Jordan is, but Jeff is likeable, too, as well as being a bigger threat in competitions. It’s also quite likely that the jury views Jeff’s game more favorably, whereas they will see Jordan as having rode his coattails.

Feeling guilty about having lost another competition, Jordan’s plan is to try to make it so that Jeff stays, and she wants him to campaign. He just doesn’t want to go out looking like an idiot like Russell did.

Michele’s pitch to Kevin: if he keeps Jeff in the house, Jeff can get rid of Natalie. How hard would that be anyway? It’s not like Natalie’s won anything.

Michele obviously uses the power of veto on herself, and Jordan obviously goes up in her place. That effectively breaks up the couple unless there’s another coup d’etat coming this Thursday.

For some reason, Michele thinks that Kevin wanted her out. While he wouldn’t have objected to her eviction, she wasn’t the target.

Watch Rescue Me season 6

Rescue Me is an American television drama series which focuses on the professional and personal lives of a group of New York City firefighters in the fictional Ladder 62 / Engine 99 firehouse.

The show mainly follows veteran fireman Tommy Gavin (Denis Leary) and his ever troublesome family as they deal with real life issues, either with post 9/11 trauma or domestic problems. Tommy has to struggle with the loss of his cousin and best friend Jimmy Keefe, who died on September 11, 2001, and frequently visits Tommy in visions. In the pilot episode, Tommy and his wife have already separated and Tommy has moved across the street. He is ill-tempered, self destructive, hypocritical, manipulative, and a relapsed alcoholic. He has realized how much he has contributed to the breakup of his family, and constantly struggles to reconcile with them. He loves his children very much, and desires to get back together with his wife. However, despite slowly making steps toward his redemption, tragedy always seems to be right around the corner.

Created by Denis Leary and Peter Tolan, the show premiered on the FX Network in 2004. Rescue Me is produced by Cloudland Company, Apostle, DreamWorks Television and Sony Pictures Television.

It was announced on August 28, 2009 that FX had decided to end the series in 2011 after a total of seven seasons. The finale is expected to coincide with the 10th anniversary of 9/11.

Season 1

The first season of Rescue Me debuted on July 21, 2004 and began by introducing the members of New York City Fire Department’s Ladder Company 62 aka “62 Truck” and exploring their lives, both at home and inside the firehouse. It focused on main character Tommy Gavin as he dealt with the effects of September 11, 2001 attacks, which, for him, include seeing the ghost of his cousin Jimmy Keefe as well as those of various people he failed to save over the years. Gavin and his wife are separated and, from across the street, he sees her begin to date again and concocts a “secret evil plan” to get her back and prevent her from taking his children and leaving the state.

In other stories; Chief Jerry Reilly attacks a gay former firefighter in a bar after the guy speaks to the press and claims that at least 20 of the 343 men who died during the 9/11 attacks were gay. Sean Garrity begins to date one of Franco Rivera’s (many) ex-girlfriends, which leads to Franco finding out that he has a daughter with the woman, whom he takes in after the mother’s overdose death. Tommy also gets involved with Jimmy’s widow Sheila, and “Probie” Mike Silletti begins to date a “fat chick” named Theresa (Ashlie Atkinson), which he keeps secret. Kenny Shea deals with 9/11 by writing poetry, and then starts to have an affair.

After fireman Billy Warren dies in a fire, the city sends Laura Miles to replace him. She clashes with the guys in general, who do not want a woman on their crew, and with Tommy in particular, whom she is watching and believes is growing dangerous as he takes more and more seemingly unnecessary risks on the job. The season comes to a close with Tommy’s mistake at a fire causing Franco to get hurt, and Tommy’s eventual transfer out of the house after the rest of the crew find out he has been seeing Sheila and gotten her pregnant. In the final scene of the final episode he shows up at his wife’s house, only to find her and his children missing, along with everything in the house.

Season 2

The second season premiered on June 21, 2005. It began with Tommy at a new firehouse on Staten Island and his replacement at 62 Truck, Sully, becoming everyone’s favorite. Sully leaves after the crew finds out that he likes to wear women’s clothing and shun him. This clears the way for Tommy to return. Back in the old house Tommy shifts his focus to finding his family and dealing with his father, who took an unannounced vacation and came home with a new (rich) wife, Jenny Ng. Sheila loses the baby, but lies about it to keep Tommy near.

Meanwhile, Tommy and Johnny Gavin find out that their father had a long going affair during their childhood, which produced two children. Soon they suspect their new-found brother, a priest, is a pedophile. Mike stalks his ex-girlfriend. Chief Jerry’s wife gradually deteriorates from Alzheimer’s and he is forced to seek help from his estranged son before placing her in a long-term care facility. Laura and Franco begin dating, but Laura eventually leaves Franco and the firehouse. Lt. Shea is conned by a prostitute, resulting in him losing his entire life savings. Jenny Ng dies, and Tommy’s estranged sister Maggie shows up.

Tommy and his family reconcile for a time, but when their only son Connor is killed by a drunk driver it’s too much for Janet to handle. It only gets worse when Johnny finds out the driver may not do time, so Tommy’s uncle, Teddy, murders him in public.

Season 3

The third season began on May 30, 2006. Tommy and Janet are now re-separated and Teddy is in jail for murder. Janet begins sleeping with Johnny, Tommy’s brother. Tommy and Johnny fight it out in the street, and, later, following an argument, Tommy and Janet have a very physical sex scene. The violence of the act is contrasted with his post-coital attitude and the suggestion that she may have enjoyed it.

Meanwhile Lt. Shea, still smarting from getting conned, is becoming testy with everyone on the crew and slowly spiraling down. The Probie (Mike) begins a sexual relationship with his (male) roommate and Tommy falls back into things with Sheila, Jimmy’s widow. Sheila wants to get Tommy back and begins to drug him to have sex. Maggie soon finds herself dating Sean Garrity, among others.

Janet gets pregnant with either Johnny’s or Tommy’s baby and wants to have it to replace Connor. The crew finds out about Probie’s possible homosexuality and Tommy comes to his defense. Franco starts to date Alicia (Susan Sarandon), a rich older woman who eventually takes his daughter from him (he is unable to do anything about it because he had taken her from foster care without permission and therefore is not the girl’s guardian anyway). Lt. Shea moves in with Tommy and begins seeing Teresa, a soon-to-be ex-nun with whom he plans on moving to Florida to be first mate on his cousin’s boat. Chief Riley tries to meet his wife’s increasing health care costs by taking a second job at a bar. Later he suffers a heart attack after having sex with Karlene, an illegal immigrant who cares for his wife.

During a stakeout, Johnny is shot three times through the back and killed by someone who was contracted to kill him to stop him from testifying against a powerful drug dealer. During his funeral Sean and Maggie decide to get married at the cemetery. Rosemarie Gavin is also introduced, the long lost sister of Tommy, Johnny, and Maggie. She is deaf and had been shunned by her parents but reconciles with her father.

With the house seemingly breaking up Tommy decides to retire and move in with Sheila. He changes his mind after talking with Janet about her pregnancy and hearing that Mike isn’t transferring, Lou has changed his mind about the boat and Franco has failed a lieutenant’s exam.

While at Sheila’s new house he tells her he is not retiring from the FDNY. Distraught, she drugs him and accidentally starts a fire. The fire is able to spread while Sheila is overwhelmed by frustration, and the finale closes without making it clear if either Tommy or Sheila made it out of the house.

Season 4

The fourth season of Rescue Me premiered on June 13, 2007. Tommy and Sheila are apparently rescued by firefighters, but are then accused of arson and insurance fraud. Janet has given birth to the baby and Tommy has come to accept it as his own. Unfortunately, the baby’s hair finally comes in and it is “jet black” in color, leaving them to now believe that it is Johnny’s son instead.

Teddy is released from prison and immediately abandons his new wife in a coffee shop. Colleen runs away from home and moves in with her boyfriend leaving her parents enraged.

Depressed after being told that he can no longer serve in active duty due to his poor heart, Jerry shocks everyone by taking his own life.

Janet is suffering from postpartum depression and is also deeply affected by her inability to bond with her new son. The baby cries constantly and his crying seems to worsen when Janet holds him. Getting wind of this, Sheila has approached Tommy about them giving her the baby; she has offered Tommy $850,000 in payment. She continues to hound Tommy about this and Tommy has not told Janet of Sheila’s offer. Seeing how his wife is suffering and how the baby is being neglected and seemingly rejected by everyone in the family but himself, Tommy is reluctantly beginning to re-consider Sheila’s offer.

Tommy soon decides to give the baby to Sheila after contemplating throwing him off into the Hudson river at the request of his brother’s ghost. After Janet learns of what Tommy has done she runs him down with her car. After she realizes that he is OK, she sends the youngest daughter up to Sheila’s apartment and steals the baby back. Meanwhile Tommy has a breakdown in the apartment in which all of his ghostly friends including Jimmy let him know that they are tired of his selfishness and leave him.

Tommy then shares custody with Sheila by bribing his daughter Colleen with a no limit credit card. Colleen gives the baby to him when she has him, so he can in turn give it to Sheila. Colleen’s boyfriend uses the credit card to buy a wedding ring. After Tommy learns this, he goes to the recording studio to sort out Colleen’s boyfriend and destroys his guitar. The boyfriend tells Tommy the ring wasn’t for Colleen, but for another girl. Relieved of this he apologizes to the boyfriend and wishes him and his new girlfriend the best of luck. When the boyfriend explains this to Colleen, he says its because Tommy scares him and that is why he left Colleen, so now of course Colleen hates Tommy even more.

Maggie Gavin and Sean Garrity are on and off throughout the whole season ending with Garrity pretending to be an alcoholic to spend time with Maggie and an eventual final split.

The family starts their own AA meetings due to the high amount of alcoholics in the family. Michael Gavin, Tommy’s father, refuses to attend meetings but contacts Tommy and tells him that he’s going to be sober ironically at a bar to “keep his friends close and his enemies closer”. Tommy struggles to maintain his sobriety the entire season.

Tommy also begins seeing a woman Valerie (Gina Gershon) who can’t be touched after she orgasms during sex. She and Tommy are on and off due to Tommy’s periodic want for his ex-wife Janet.

Janet has also taken a job, where she is dating her new, much younger boss.

A new firefighter also joins the house. He’s a new guy named Bart, but insists on being called Shawn. The crew decides to call him Black Shawn to distinguish him from Sean Garrity but Black Shawn is not happy with this. Due to Lou and Franco negotiating to get him for their basketball team, he says he doesn’t want to be referred to as Black Shawn and he is virtually absolved of any probie work, which initially angers Garrity, Mikey, and most of all, Tommy. However, due to Black Shawn’s ability to prove himself worthy in the face of a fire, he is accepted by the whole house, including Tommy, who pays him begrudging respect.

The season ends with Tommy, Lou, Sean, Michael Gavin (Tommy’s Dad), and Uncle Teddy attending a Newark Bears minor league baseball game at the request of Tommy’s dad. Tommy and his father take the close up seats while the rest of the crew take seats higher up in the same section. Lou explains to Garrity how Baseball is like life, waiting for something to come and not being awake for it to happen, but having enough time for a beer, a hot dog, and maybe a blowjob here and there. Also, Colleen is seen attending a picnic with Black Shawn. The last shot is of Tommy showing his father a hit, and his dad not responding or waking up. Tommy realizes that his father has died and puts his arm around him and continues to watch the game.


On June 23, 2008, webisodes seasons began airing on and between shows on FX. Ten episodes aired. Viewers can also find complete episodes of the first four seasons on Crackle.

Season 5

The show was renewed for a fifth season of 22 episodes. In an interview with on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart on Thursday, May 15, 2008, Leary revealed season 5 had been delayed until March 2009 because of the writer’s strike, but that all 22 episodes would air on consecutive weeks. Michael J. Fox joined the cast, playing Janet’s (Andrea Roth) new love interest. According to the L.A. Weekly, on December 1, 2008 during an appearance at Book Soup in West Hollywood, Leary revealed plot details for season 5, specifically a retrospective look into the events leading up to and surrounding 9/11 by each of the characters, (subsequently Tommy and Lou vie for the the affections of the woman who is writing the story) is the plot line in the first 10 episodes of season 5, which premiered on April 7, 2009[2]. The season ends with Tommy’s uncle holding the bar and, in grief stricken rage, shoots Tommy twice in the shoulder and orders all the fellow firefighters to watch Tommy slowly bleed to death.

Season 6

On June 16, 2009, the Los Angeles Times website confirmed Rescue Me will return in 2010 with a sixth season due to increased ratings for the 5th season.

More to Love season 1 episode 6 | watch More to Love season 1 episode 6

More to Love season 1 episode 6 airs on Tuesday September 01st, 2009 at 09:00 pm via FOX. In this episode Luke wants to meet the families of the remaining four ladies, before he goes on one-on-one dates with them and then eliminating one more contestant.

more to love season 1 episode 6

more to love season 1 episode 6

Demi Moore Bush Pic

Comedy Central’s new show Tosh.0 is making headlines this morning, if Google Trends count as headlines. Tosh is displeased that Ashton Kutcher has more Twitter followers than even cats. As part of his “Unfollow Ashton Kutcher” campaign, Tosh is encouraging the world to google “Demi Moore Bush” and “try not to dry-heave” at the Eighties-era Moore crotch shot this uncovers.

Guerilla tactics? Sure. Gorilla tactics may even be an appropriate pun here, judging by the furry twenty-year-old pic a little search engine-ing will getcha. But it’s working: “Demi Moore Bush Pic” is the most searched term on Google this morning, and everybody’s talking Tosh.0, which we honestly didn’t even know existed until pubic hair became involved. Hopefully, like the Palin-Letterman feud, the publicity will work out well for everyone: Kutcher gets more Twitter devotees, Tosh gets more viewers, and Demi Moore gets a Brazilian. In the first video below, Tosh wonders if there’s “enough blur” to show Demi’s thickly forested ho-ho without incurring an FCC fine.

After the jump, Tosh helpfully explains how to find a little (a lot?) Moore bush for yourself.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Jagan Mohini trailer launch on August 10

Jagan Mohini trailer launch on August 10
Years back in time, Tollywood’s filmmaker Vittalacharya far-famed in making films based on ‘fantasy’ delivered a grandiloquent blockbuster ‘Jagan Mohini’. The film released in 1978 did an extraordinary business in both Telugu and dubbed version of Tamil. Trade analysts have marked that the film made big collection in box office more than the flicks of superstars NTR and ANR. Yesteryear actress Jayamalini made a stunning performance as a beautiful girl and well as a vampire.

After three decades, ace cinematographer-filmmaker N.K. Viswanathan remakes the film with the same title. Namitha enacts the role of Jayamalini, while Raja performs the character of prince and Nila as princess. Vadivelu will be adding to the humor quotients with rib-tickling comedy tracks. Jayamalini’s elder sister Jyothilakshmi has been offered to perform a cameo role.

Maestro Ilayaraja has tuned melodies with Sivashankar, Kala and Kalyan choreographing for the songs. The magnificent graphics have been designed by EFX and SATHYAM BPO.

Trailer for ‘Jagan Mohini’ will be launched by Producers L. Suresh and Kalaipuli S Dhanu on August 10 at Satyam Cinemas.

John Hughes: dies at 59

Famous director and screen-writer John Hughes died due to heart attack on Thursday. He was 59. The last film he directed was “Curly Sue,” in 1991. In 1994, he retired from both the film business. His last public project was writing an independent film, “Reach the Rock,” in 1999. Hughes is survived by his wife, Nancy, and two sons, James and John.

Hughes will be ever remembered for his talent and intellectuality, there are several examples, among those the famous films for young generations are the all time popular - Sixteen Candles, The Breakfast Club, and Pretty in Pink.

According to fans it is a irreplaceable loss, he is the one who truly able to demonstrate the real sentiment of an American teenager in connection with every aspect of life and able to influence all movie loving people along with the movie makers.

According to Matthew Broderick, who starred in Hughes’ 1986 hit “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off,

Truly shocked and saddened by the news about my old friend. … He was a wonderful, very talented guy and my heart goes out to his family.

According to Molly Ringwald, who starred in The Breakfast Club as well as sixteen candle and Pretty in Pink,

Stunned and incredibly sad” to hear about Hughes’ death.

He will be missed - by me and by everyone that he has touched,” she said in a statement on

Butler nervous to film sex scenes with Heigl

Gerard Butler, Katherine Heigl
Washington (ANI): Scottish actor Gerard Butler was reportedly so nervous while filming sex scenes with American actress Katherine Heigl that he kept forgetting his lines. Butler, 39, plays a cocky ladies man in The Ugly Truth, but his confidence disappeared when it came time to shoot passionate scenes with Heigl, 30.

And he was so flustered by the bedroom takes that he struggled to keep in character. “I was so nervous. I kept forgetting my lines. Once, in the middle of a take, I said to Katie, ‘Did I touch your breast?” Contactmusic quoted him as saying. “It was an accidental brush but I was pretty nervous about it,” he added.

Vanessa to play prostitute in Sucker Punch

Vanessa HudgensWashington (ANI): High School Musical actress Vanessa Hudgens is all set to drop her layers for an upcoming movie Sucker Punch. The 20-year-old will play the role of a foul-mouthed prostitute in the film that is scheduled to hit the theatres in 2011.

"I'm playing a character named Blondie and it's set in a brothel in the 1950s, so there's not a whole lot of clothes," Contactmusic quoted her as saying. The star also revealed that she was excited to begin training for what would be her first action role.

She said: "It'll be gun training, stunts, fighting and all that craziness. I can't wait. I'm so excited. I've wanted to do an action film for a while. I think this is my time to really step it up and get to grow up. It will be somewhat different with the content and a few more foul words but that''s the biggest difference."

Vanessa's naked photo scandal a publicity stunt?

Vanessa Hudgens
Washington : Rumours are abuzz that teen sensation Vanessa Hudgens' latest naked photo scandal could be a publicity stunt.

Hudgens is currently prepping to play a potty-mouthed hooker in her first breakaway Disney film entitled Sucker Punch and is busy doing the media rounds for her new family-friendly flick Bandslam. And although such controversy isn't exactly ideal for the girlfriend of Zac Efron, it may successfully propel her career in the adult stratosphere, as per Hollywood's leading image consultant Michael Sands.

"Vanessa wants to raise her visibility and become an 'A' lister, so by posing Vanessa is shedding her Disney image and becoming a serious actress," Fox News quoted Sands as saying. "Vanessa feels her career is being held back and she wants to be 'en vogue'," he added.

However, a source close to Hudgens has said that she refuses to discuss the ordeal and is humiliated by the expose.

Katherine Heigl tries vibrating pants at home

Katherine Heigl
London : Katherine Heigl has admitted that she took the vibrating pants she wore in The Ugly Truth for trying at home, but was not really impressed with the gear.

In a scene in the film, Katherine's character Abby has an orgasm at dinner with work bosses while wearing the buzzing underwear. However, Katherine was not much impressed with the bizarre contraption when she attempted to perk up her sex life at home.

"I took the vibrating pants home with me... I was being 'method', you know really committing to my role, but they don't work at all,” the Sun quoted her as saying. She added: "That's not a solid purchase. Ladies don't bother!"

Katherine also said that she had never bothered faking an orgasm to please a partner. She said: "If it's not working it's not working. I'm not gonna go to all that bother to fake it - let's work this out together!"

Pattinson's aunt says no to romance with Kristen

Robert PattinsonWashington : Robert Pattinson's aunt has asked the Brit heartthrob not to fall for his Twilight co-star Kristen Stewart, for it would be difficult for them to have a peaceful life as a couple because both of them are big stars in their own right. According to reports, Stewart has split from longtime boyfriend Michael Angarano, and is being linked to her on-screen love interest Pattinson.

Both Pattinson and Stewart, who are now working together again for the sequel 'New Moo, have claimed that they are just close friends and co-stars. And Pattinson's aunt Diana Nutley hopes that things stay that way and the love rumours are false. "I don't think it would be a good idea for Robert to be in a serious relationship with Kristen. How can he live his life with a fellow star, with their every move being watched just like Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes?" Contactmusic quoted her as telling U.S. magazine Life and Style.

Instead, Nutley, who is the sister of Pattinson's mother, wants that her famous nephew will make the most of his overnight super fame and have fun."He's only 23 and probably won't get married until he's 40, if he's got any sense," she added.

She is also hoping that the actor eventually settles down with an English girl. "I think he will eventually come back home to England and fall in love with somebody he's known since school," she said.

Kristen to do steamy bedroom scene with Dakota

Kristen StewartNew York : Actress Kristen Stewart will reportedly do a steamy bedroom scene with Dakota Fanning in the upcoming Joan Jett biopic ‘The Runaways.’ According to Life & Style, the ‘Twilight’ starlet will try her hand at some girl on girl action in the movie.

According to a source, the script calls for Stewart, who plays Jett in the film, to swap spit with Fanning, who stars as singer Cherie Curie, resulting in their clothes being “scattered all over their hotel room floor in one scene.”

“Dakota’s very controlled and poised. She’s going to have to lose herself in this because it’s pretty heavy,” the New York Daily News Stewart as saying.

Kristen Stewart laughs off pregnancy rumours

Kristen Stewart
New York (ANI): Actress Kristen Stewart, who is busy shooting her forthcoming movie The Runaways, laughs off rumours that she pregnant with Rob Pattinson's baby, say sources. However it was reported earlier that Kristen Stewart was pregnant with with her co-star Robert Pattinson's first child.

"Joan (Jett, the actresses character in The Runaways) and Kristen managed to have a laugh about the rumor," the New York Daily News quoted a source as telling Life and Style. "Kristen just thought it was ridiculous," the source added.

An Australian tabloid recently claimed that the Twilight star was expecting a child with Pattinson. Rumours about them being an item have been circulating ever since they starred together in the hit film Twilight last year.

Shakira keen for duet with Robert Pattinson

ShakiraWashington (ANI): Colombian singer Shakira is keen to record a duet with actor Robert Pattinson after witnessing his musical talent in 'Twilight'. The singer was introduced to the vampire film, which stars British hunk Pattinson as vampire Edward Cullen, after an executive at her record label noticed its themes are similar to those explored on her upcoming album, She Wolf.

"The president of my label said, 'Have you checked out Twilight? It's about wolves and vampires and things.' And I'm like, 'Ah, that's up my alley. I mean, where is it?' And I watched it and loved it," Contactmusic quoted her as telling

She admits she'd love to duet with Pattinson, who played piano and recorded vocals for two songs on the Twilight soundtrack. "I've heard he's a great singer and a great musician. If those rumours are true - yeah, of course, why not?" she added.

No nude scene in Twilight sequel, says director Weiz

Melbourne (ANI): New Moon director Chris Weitz has dismissed rumours that the Twilight sequel will feature three of its stars in a nude scene. Weiz had to fight the rumors after actor Jamie Campbell Bower, who plays Volturi leader Caius in the sequel, said there was a nude scene in the movie, reports

"We just all sit there, completely naked, for one scene," Bower told MTV. "Yeah, it's me, Michael Sheen and Christopher (Heyerdahl); we just sit there, naked", Campbell added.

However, now the film's helmer has rubbished the reports, saying: “Even though we do want the look of the Volturi to be a bit of a surprise, they are always - as in the book - fully clothed. Jamie (Campbell-Bower) has what you might call a dry sense of humor and almost managed to convince me - which is why he's such a good actor.”

Speaking to TheCelebrityTruth Weiz added: “I would like to put everyone's mind at rest and let them know that the Volturi are not naked.”

Jennifer doesn't mind being a lonely girl

Jennifer Aniston

Unlucky-in-love Jennifer Aniston insists she doesn't mind being branded "the lonely girl". The sultry stunner, who did a sexy, shirtless pose for Elle magazine, said in an interview that hits stands this week: "I'm not going to ignore the pink elephant in the living room. It's fine. I can take it," reports The New York Post.

Aniston, whose beaus since her 2005 split with hubby Brad Pitt have included Vince Vaughn, model Paul Sculfor and John Mayer, said she's fully supportive of "anybody who is in a place that's not their strongest [but] is ready to push forward. If I'm the emblem for 'this is what it looks like to be the lonely girl getting on with her life,' so be it." Aniston said.

"I can make fun of myself. And I'll bring it up as long as the world is bringing it up," she added. The actress recounted: "I remember being 7 and asking my mom if I was as pretty as [my best friend] Monique. And with all the love in the world, my mom looked at me and said, 'Oh, honey, you're so funny.'

"So, she doesn't lie to me . . . She answers the question by not answering and instead tells me what she thinks is my greatest strength." Her parents, Aniston recalled, were funny and made each other laugh "like nobody's business. I put a lot of value in that at a very young age," she said.

Brangelina love to have sex behind waterfall

Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt
Melbourne (ANI): Actor Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie love to have sex behind the waterfall in their pool. The Inglourious Basterds actor has revealed that despite their hectic life he and Jolie sneak off to a secret stone grotto behind a waterfall in his pool whenever they can for a steamy sex session.

"It's a great place for sex," quoted him as telling Parade magazine. Meanwhile, the 45-year-old actor lambasted a TV evangelist, who said that he and partner Angelina Jolie are setting a bad example by living in sin and refusing to marry.

He refused to divulge the name but said he was infuriated when he tuned into a news show recently and watched in disbelief as the 'TV reverend' he'd never met criticised his relationship. “I resent people telling others how to live! It drives me mental!” Pitt said.

“Just the other night, I heard this TV reverend say that Angie and I were setting a bad example because we were living out of wedlock, and people should not be duped by us. It made me laugh. What damn right does anyone have to tell someone else how to live if they''re not hurting anyone?” he added.

Kollywood's tribute to Michael Jackson!

Praveen Mani, a core member of maestro A R Rahman's troupe is all set to conduct a grand musical event to pay tribute to the late legend Michael Jackson.

The Rotary Club of Chennai is presenting the show in the name of Artists United which will be held on 29th August, the birthday of Jackson, at the Wesley School Grounds at Royalpettah in Chennai at 7 pm. The concert seems to serve a social cause also. While paying homage to Jackson, it will also collect funds in aid of Autism Awarness and cure.

Explaining the grand plans and purpose of the show, Praveen Mani and Sanjay Ramasamy of Rotary club, said, "The entire show will be dedicated to Jackson and his songs. All leading voacalists and musicians who have worked for Oscar winning music director AR Rahman will be performing under the banner Artists United. Top performers of the country including Shankar Ehsaan and Loy apart from Kollywood’s singing fraternity comprising of top singers like Benny Dayal, Karthik, Naresh Iyer, Suchitra Karthik Kumar, Anu Cheyur, Sunitha Sarathy, Keith Peters, Blaaze, Joshua Sridhar, Suresh Peters and Timothy Madhukar will be performing..."

Rahman will not be physically present at the concert, but a recording of his tribute to Jackson will be played for the audiences which isestimated to be around 20,000 people.
